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Changelog EC 135 V5

This page documents the changes in the development of the EC 135 V5.

Version 5.23

X-Plane 11 support for the freeware and plus versions will be discontinued. 5.23 is the last version for X-Plane 11. All subsequent versions only support X-Plane 12. The EC 135 Pro is not affected by this.

  • Huge increase in the plugin's performance.
  • Restores the helicopter's traction on the ground lost with the new landing gear model since X-Plane 12.0.8.
  • Workaround to prevent strong vibrations when attaching a load to the winch. (relevant for X-Plane > 12.0.5)
  • IDLE caution disappears sooner.
  • Corrects too low IDLE speed.
  • Implements a dataref to detect the PTT button.
  • Expands the ICP with a TEST button.
  • Corrects the behavior of the HOR BAT caution during the test.
  • Introduces new caution STBY HOR.
  • Allows the pitch damper to be switched off and on again.
  • Fixes a display error of the standard air pressure in the PFD.
  • Adds missing transfer of tank contents to slave computers.
  • Corrects the volume of the fuel tanks.
  • Changes the audio signals when testing the warning panel.
  • Eliminates an exception when exiting X-Plane.
  • Improvements in the plugin code.
  • Forces instrument view on the master after a crash.
  • Changes the value and time of the inter-plugin message after loading the helicopter.
  • Fixes incorrect airspeed display on standby instrument below 40 kt.
  • Shows airspeed on standby instrument even in replay mode.

Version 5.22

  • Corrects an incorrect radio altimeter display above 100 ft in the analog and semi-analog cockpit.
  • Fixes unexpected drop in N1 when switching from FLIGHT to IDLE (only affects X-Plane 12).
  • Eliminates excessive TOT increase when starting the engine (only affects X-Plane 12).
  • Improves governor behavior (only affects X-Plane 12)
  • Improves logging of version details.
  • Fixes AP failure when switching off the right generator.
  • Solves a flow problem on the rear fin and thus stabilizes unintentional twitches around the vertical axis.
  • Corrects display error of artificial horizon in FCDS (only affecs X-Plane 12).
  • Improves pitch attitude in cruise flight.
  • Extends Pro version with the option to install two SMDs instead of one MFD on the co-pilot side.
  • Engine trim function.
  • External collective data can be written into a special sim dataref.
  • Data for the throttles can be transferred to a dataref as an alternative to the joystick.
  • SAS/AP Cut button switch off AP correctly.
  • Improvement in logging of external load devices.

Version 5.21

  • Eliminates unnecessary objects in the PAX and VIP version's cabin.
  • Corrects errors in the automatic quick start procedure.
  • Increases engine stability while loading.
  • Stops using legacy datarefs.
  • Retrieves lost custom commands for engine control.
  • Fixes a crash during twist grip calibration.
  • Corrects blockage in manual engine control mode.
  • Stabilizes the bus system in the event of short-term voltage fluctuations.
  • Eliminates erroneous engine shutdown bevor first twist grip movement.
  • Adapts improved torque calculation to X-Plane 11.
  • Disables start in external viewing position when loading cold and dark in Pro version.
  • Delivers only raw sounds without helmet in Pro version.
  • Hides unnecessary automations from the menu in the Pro version.
  • Reactivates A-Coll light control in automation functions.
  • Adds strobe lights, position lights, landing light and panel light control in automation functions depending on outside brightness.
  • Fixes accidental stick locking in Pro version.
  • Correct number of decimal places for DME in FCDS.
  • Analog SAS agility optimizations (only affects X-Plane 12).
  • Corrects incorrect fuel flow display.

Version 5.20

This software version is only available for X-Plane 12.

  • Brings EC 135 V5 to X-Plane 12.
  • Native support for ARM processors on the Mac.
  • FLIR direction control via custom commands.
  • FADECs and related systems completley overhauled.
  •  Overspeed protection System.
  • DME HOLD buttons and support of DME HOLD in ND.
  •  Adds missing data transfers to slaves.
  • Improved Bleed air heating system.
  • Fuelsystem overhauled.
  • VEMD FLI overhauled.
  • Optional inHg display of baro pressure in the ND.
  •  Added missing commands.
  •  Fixes access to incorrect ini files.
  • Improved functionality of triple tacho.
  • CAT-A switch is always off after loading the aircraft.
  • Brings back PITOT HTR advisory.
  • Introduces additional advisories for AFCS override status.
  • Supports the X-Plane 12 station system for calculating the center of gravity depending on the load.
  • Adds missing DEGRADE caution when turning on twist grips.
  • Adapts torque calculation to the X-Plane version.
  • AFCS completely overhauled
  • AFCS can now optionally also be controlled from the co-pilot side.
  • Fixes a bug with the fire bell an the fire warning light.
  • Uses X-Plane 12's new lighting for position lights, anti collision light, strobe lights, search and landing lights and in the cockpit.
  • Improves sequence of strobes and anti collision light.
  • Takes power supply into account for various control lamps.
  • Fixes lost main rotor animation.
  • Improved effects on the engine exhausts.
  • Sharper displays on the panel for Freeware and PLUS.
  • Downwash effects over water, sandy terrain, snow and wet ground.
  • Rain effects on the windshield including working windshield wipers.
  • Standby altimeter and airspeed indicator now independent from the normal instruments.
  • Fixes a bug in the caution image of the sand filter.
  • More accurate torque calculation.
  • Paintkit separated into separate download to save space.

Version 5.13

  • Introduces a working audio panel on the pilot side.
  • Fixes an issue in the mapping logic of the HSI sources in the analog panel.
  • Improves reliability of data transfer to slave computers.
  • Corrects path to preferences file.
  • Fixes a display error in the cargo window in PAX and VIP versions.

Version 5.12

  • Fixes a timing issue when transferring data to slave machines in certain configurations.
  • Corrects an error in the display of the XFER AFT caution at check.
  •  Allows connection of a collective lever that does not behave as a standard joystick via a writable dataref.

Version 5.11

  • Allows decision height adjustment on co-pilot side.
  • Optimizes the brightness of the glass cockpit in switch positions NIGHT and NVG
  • Adapts outdated oil pressure and oil temperature gauges to T2+ conditions.
  • Changes label for single and double pointer GPS sources to NMS.
  • Fixed incorrect HDG display on co-pilot side when operating with AFCS.
  • Prevents unintentional full deflection of the Collective after loading with certain joysticks.
  •  Rare problem with the license check eliminated.
  • Fixed conflict with XPRealistic plugin (Mac only).
  • Plugin dependencies updated (Linux only).

Version 5.10

This is a major update. It includes a redesigned Fenestron with significantly improved performance. For the first time, it is possible to get features in the VR-compatible V5 that were previously reserved for the Pro version as an upgrade. Likewise, the Pro version will be converted to the experimental flight model that was previously only included in the V5.

  • Introduces a licensing option for different license models. The EC 135 V5 itself remains freeware, but there are upgrade options.
  • Upgrade option to Plus version with additional features.
  • Upgrade option to Plus versions for public exhibition and commercial use.
  • Brings Pro version to V5 level.
  • Fenestron completely redesigned for better performance.
  •  Manual throttle control (requires collective lever with twist grips).
  • Manual throttle control in Pro version reworked.
  • Additional override options for the autopilot with direct override via the stick and follow-up function when hovering.
  • Extended electrical system as in the Pro version with bus tie switches and Shed bus switches.
  • Integrates numerous circuit breakers on the OHP.
  •  Allows connection of a second controller with smooth handovers between the controllers.
  • Higher texture resolution on the OHP and for many instruments.
  • Enables transfer of rotor animation and cockpit displays to slave computers.
  • Extends count of circuit breakers.
  • Simplified installation of slaves.
  • Reworked SANDEL avionics in semi analogous cockpit.
  • Follow-up function for AFCS in hover flight.
  • Added temporary override of AFCS by cyclic stick
  • ECMS Load System.
  • FLIR display in cockpit and animation exterior camera.
  • Engine start-up and shutdown procedure can be played automatically.
  •  AviTab can be viewed as an external source in ND.
  • WXR only and FLIR display included in ND's external source cycle.
  • Cross Side Mode for ILS.
  • Return from EXT mode now via ND button.
  • Aircraft no longer bounces when SAS is turned off.
  • Analog SAS and AFCS SAS work independently.
  • Pedal position is now correctly transferred even when the stick is locked.
  • Optional support for hardware FTR.
  • Fixes delayed caution indication in certain situations.
  • Makes X-Plane's standard commands (sim/systems/avionics_on, sim/systems/avionics_off, sim/systems/avionics_toggle) for avionics switches available.
  • Digital torque display changed to steps of 0.5.
  • Test cycle of the FLI needles eliminated.
  • Additional caution indications ENG EXCEED and OVSP when fadec is switched on.
  • Corrects a reversed power supply for the GPS.
  • Additional liveries.
  • ENG MAIN switch guards to be operated by main.
  • Livery names without German umlauts to avoid problems when saving the configuration at Windows.
  • Replaces both FMS with GNS530.
  • More precise designation and new antennas in the config menu.
  • Corrects display errors on the FLI page.
  • Increases sensitivity of Mast Moment Indicator.
  • Corrects display errors with installed RealityXP plugin and, depending on the configuration, gives warnings when nav data may be invalid.
  • Fixes a problem with the composite mode of the PFD depending on the settings on the ND.
  • Performs automatic trim reset after landing.
  • Smoother rotor animation when starting up.
  • TOT limits adjusted.
  • Number of flight report logs limited to 32.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 5.03

  • Search and landing light control: Spectrolab can be preselected as user preference. Optional advisory shows the user which headlight is selected for control. 
  • X-Plane's standard command sim/lights/spot_light_center is supported to re-center search and landing light or spectrolab, whichever is selected. 
  • X-Plane's standard command sim/autopilot/servos_toggle can additionally be used to switch on and off the autopilot. 
  • Fine tuning for the power calculation in order to achieve a more realistic top speed at MCP.
  • Experimental workaround to resolve the engine control issues caused by XPUIPC.
  • Experimental workaround for problems with reading of some joysticks (Z000000050).
  • Texture issue at GPS solved. 
  • Power supply for left GPS changed from Essential Bus I to Avionics Shedding Bus I. 

For the experimental workarounds, we hope for user feedback on success or failure, as we cannot reproduce the problems ourselves.

Version 5.02

  • Passengers Version.
  • VIP Version added.
  • New metallic paintwork using PBR. 
  • Adding a Ground Power Unit and the correct behavior when GPU is connected.
  • Further improvement of flight behavior when hovering with tailwind and crosswind.
  • Improved behavior of slip indicator.
  • Additional optional equipement, i.e. a basket for the skids, floats (only as dummies), more variants of radardome and searchlight.
  • Better straight flight at cruising speed.
  • Many small detail improvements on the 3D model.
  • Additional liveries.
  • Bug in the display of Generator Amps fixed (unequal values despite closed bus tie switches).
  • Improved Settings of AFCS prevent oscillation. (A000000042)
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 5.01 (1st release)

  • Configuration changes can be saved (Suggestion A000000044).
  • Additional person (patient) in the crew menu and as 3D model. 
  • Dialog boxes and converted into X-Plane 11 style supporting VR.
  • Menu for sling operations and selection of hoist and hook. 
  • Added objects for sling operations.
  • New search light Spectrolab/SX16.
  • Extendable Landing light full movable.
  • Battery can be switched or toggled by X-Plane's default commands. 
  • Protection against slipping when the parking brake is accidentally released.
  • FLIR.
  • Additional semi analog cockpit.
  • Many different snow skids.
  • Bubble window for pilot's door configurable.  
  • New liveries. 
  • More tail-heavy flight attitude by changing the standard center of gravity (A000000047).
  • Several minor bug fixes: i.a. A000000043, A000000046.  

Version 5.00 (public beta)

Initial version with completely new 3D model, VR support and using X-Plane's improved experimental flight model. 


Über uns

rotorsim ist eine private Initiative von Hubschrauber-Enthusiasten. Hier ist die Heimatbasis der EC 135 für X-Plane.  

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