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CPDS (Central Panel Display System)

The CPDS collects all informations about the aircraft and the engines. After power up CPDS starts with a self test. 

Caution and Advisory Display (CAD)

CAD shows in its upper half amber cautions and green advisories. The information is organized in 3 rows. Left row represents system I, right row System II. Middle row shows information about non redundant systems. Cautions are listet in the order of its appearance. Advisories find place below the cautions. If there are more cautions then display lines you can scroll to the next page by pressing SCROLL button. A white line in de middle row indicates that there are more pages. 

When a new caution comes on, all present cautions are hidden. Blinking amber bars indicate the new cautions. Press CAD's SELECT button or CDS/AUDIO RESET on your cyclic to acknowledge the cautions. 

The lower part of CAD provides information about fuel tanks. If a Fuel Management System is installed you get also information about fuel flow and estimated remaining flight time. 

CAD Caution and Advisory Display with Fuel Page
CAD Caution and Advisory Display with Fuel Page

Buttons BRT+ and BRT- can be used to control the brightness of the display. 

VEMD (Vehicle and Engine Monitoring Display)

VEMD Vehicle and Engine Monitoring Display
VEMD Vehicle and Engine Monitoring Display

The upper display called FLI (First Limit Indicator) shows important parameters of the engines, i.e. torque (TRQ), turbine outlet temperature (TOT) an N1 speed. If any parameter reaches a temporary allowed range, this is marked by a yellow bar. Exceeds the parameter a limit it is marked by a red blinking bar. 

The needles represent the parameter marked with white boxes. During engine start-up this is TOT, during flight TRQ or the parameter most next to the limit. 

When operating in a yellow range a red word LIMIT comes on. After time limit or parameter limit is reached, the word LIMIT is framed by a red box. Flying under OEI conditions will also activate a counter showing the remaining time in the temporary range. 

Below the needles is an indicator for the mast moment of rotor mast. 

In the upper left and right edge of FLI are displayed some special cautions. 

FLI Fist Limit Indicator
FLI First Limit Indicator
Symbols used in FLI
Symbols used in FLI

The lower display shows in the ELEC/VEH page electrical and pressure parameters and the outside temperature. Press + or - buttons to change the displayed electrical parameters between DC Voltage (DC [V]), battery current (BAT [A]) and generator current (GEN [A]). 

System Status Page
System Status Page

Press SCROLL to toggle between ELEC/VEH page and SYSTEM STATUS page, which shows FADEC's parameters. 

After engine shutdown the lower display automatically changes to FLIGHT REPORT page. Here you get information about your flight. Press RESET to go back to ELEC/VEH page. 

CONFIGURATION page shows the equipment of the aircraft. This can only be displayed on the ground while both VEMD displays are switched off. In this situation press OFF1OFF2SELECT within 2 seconds.  

Buttons BRT+ and BRT- can be used to control the brightness of the display. 

Never switch off CAD or VEMD inflight!

Labeling Conventions

Menu points EC 135 V5, menu points with sub menu path: EC 135 V5 > General Operation

Buttons in 3D cockpit, joystick or keyborad buttons with custom commands or X-Plane commands: HDG

Rheostats: BARO


Warning lights: BAT DISC

Code snippets for example in ini files: FuelWeightAtReload

This is an info box.

This is a warn information box. 

Features marked with and/or are not available in the freeware version but only in the marked version.

Über uns

rotorsim ist eine private Initiative von Hubschrauber-Enthusiasten. Hier ist die Heimatbasis der EC 135 für X-Plane.  

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