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Engines and related Systems


The engines of the rotorcraft are controlled by FACEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control). This computer controls rotor RPM as function of density altitude as shown in the following figure. Tumbler on Engine Control Panel provide access to FACECs (2) and Engines (1). Refer to the checklist for further informations.  

Rotor RPM a a function of density altitude
Rotor RPM as a function of density altitude
Engine Control Panel
Engine Control Panel

The complete procedure for starting and shutting down the engines can be conveniently carried out automatically via menu items: General Operation > Engine Startup (normal procedure)General Operation > Engine Startup (quick procedure) and General Operation > Engine Shutdown.

HI-NR System

To improve performance in CAT-A situations or with a gross mass above 2825 kg, the rotorcraft is equipped with a system that automatically increases rotor RPM by up to 3 %. The system is armed by pressing HI-NR Mode button. When armed, HI-NR Mode will be activated while speed is less then 55 KIAS. A green caution light above the Master Caution Light indicates this. To simulate older helicopters HI NR System can be replaced via the configuration menu to a CAT A switch. This button toggles the power increase manually. 

Manual Throttle Control

If the governor fails or for training purposes, the throttle of the affected engine can be regulated manually. This requires two TWIST GRIPS on the collective lever. Manual control is activated via the ENG MODEL SEL switch on the engine on the OHP. Setting this switch to MAN freezes the currently set throttle. The engine speed can now be regulated manually turing the respective TWIST GRIP out of N position.

To return to automatic control, first set the ENG MODE SEL switch back to NORM, then carefully move the TWIST GRIP to position N.

Fuel System

Information will be coming soon...

Labeling Conventions

Menu points EC 135 V5, menu points with sub menu path: EC 135 V5 > General Operation

Buttons in 3D cockpit, joystick or keyborad buttons with custom commands or X-Plane commands: HDG

Rheostats: BARO


Warning lights: BAT DISC

Code snippets for example in ini files: FuelWeightAtReload

This is an info box.

This is a warn information box. 

Features marked with and/or are not available in the freeware version but only in the marked version.

Über uns

rotorsim ist eine private Initiative von Hubschrauber-Enthusiasten. Hier ist die Heimatbasis der EC 135 für X-Plane.  

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