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Appendix 1: Preferences file format

User preferences are saved in a text file named ec135v5.ini (ec135pro.ini for Pro version) which is stored in the folder Output/preferences of your X-Plane installation. The different filename for Pro version makes it possible to have freeware or Plus version installed side by side. 

These instructions are intended for advanced users!

The file format is based on the common INI file format with the following characteristics: 

  • Entries are case sensitive
  • Boolean values must be written as integers, where 0 means false and 1 means true
  • Comments are not fully supported

Preferences file can be edited with every plain text editor. Please do not use word processing programs such as Word. 

The following describes the individual keys that can be used in the ec135v5.ini and ec135pro.ini file. Unknown keys written in the correct syntax are ignored. If the keys are not available, the standard value is usually automatically accepted. Some data is saved in the file every time the aircraft is unloaded.

SETTINGS JoystickSensitivityPitch Sensitivity of the joystick on the pitch axis.
This value overwrites the setting of X-Plane. The original value is restored when the EC 135 is unloaded. If the sensitivity is changed in the X-Plane menu while the EC 135 is loaded, this new value is saved here for the next time the machine is called up.
Default value: 0.00
SETTINGS  JoystickSensitivityRoll  Sensitivity of the joystick on the roll axis.
This value overwrites the setting of X-Plane. The original value is restored when the EC 135 is unloaded. If the sensitivity is changed in the X-Plane menu while the EC 135 is loaded, this new value is saved here for the next time the machine is called up.
Default value: 0.00
SETTINGS JoystickSensitivityHeading Sensitivity of the joystick or pedals on the yaw axis.
This value overwrites the setting of X-Plane. The original value is restored when the EC 135 is unloaded. If the sensitivity is changed in the X-Plane menu while the EC 135 is loaded, this new value is saved here for the next time the machine is called up.
Default value: 0.00
SETTINGS JoystickAugmentPitch Artificial stability for control inputs on pitch axis.
This value overwrites the setting of X-Plane. The original value is restored when the EC 135 is unloaded. If the stability setting is changed in the X-Plane menu while the EC 135 is loaded, this new value is saved here for the next time the machine is called up.
Default value: 0.00
SETTINGS JoystickAugmentRoll Artificial stability for control inputs on roll axis.
This value overwrites the setting of X-Plane. The original value is restored when the EC 135 is unloaded. If the stability setting is changed in the X-Plane menu while the EC 135 is loaded, this new value is saved here for the next time the machine is called up.
Default value: 0.00
SETTINGS JoystickAugmentHeading Artificial stability for control inputs on yaw axis.
This value overwrites the setting of X-Plane. The original value is restored when the EC 135 is unloaded. If the stability setting is changed in the X-Plane menu while the EC 135 is loaded, this new value is saved here for the next time the machine is called up.
Default value: 0.00
SETTINGS JoystickHasFtr The joystick is equipped with a hardware force trim function. 
SETTINGS PositionLightsAtRunning 0 Position lights are off after load with running engines (default).
1 Position lights ar on after load with running engines.
SETTINGS StrobeLightsAtRunning 0 Strobe lights are off after load with running engines (default).
1 Strobe lights ar on after load with running engines.
SETTINGS DoubleControlsEnabled 0 No Co-pilot controls.
1 Co-pilot controls are installed and calibrated. 
SETTINGS CollectiveWritesToDataref 0 Collective is connected as a standard joystick (default)
1 Collective writes its data to dataref rotorsim/ec135/external_collective_ratio. Range is 0.00 to 1.00 
2 Collective writes its data to Datarefs sim/flightmodel/engine/POINT_pitch_deg_use[0]. Range is 0.00 to 1.00 
Note: Any value other than 0 disables the dual control option.
SETTINGS CollectiveDatarefReversed

Reverses the interpretation of the dataref rotorsim/ec135/external_collective_ratio
0 Standard interpretation. 0 is collective down, 1 is collective full deflected (default)
1 Revered interpretation. 1 is collective down, 1 is collective full deflected.

AFCS ResetTrimAtDisengage 0 Trim is retained when the autopilot is switched off (default)
1 Sets the trim back to neutral values when the autopilot is switched off
AFCS AdvisoriesWhenOverride 0 Normal behaviour (default)
1 Shows additional advisories when the AP is overwritten by stick inputs. This may help users to understand override functions. 
AFCS OverrideSuspendTime Defines a period of time in seconds within which no override can be detected by the stick after certain functions. Default is 1.20
SYSTEMS DecisionHeightPilot Decision height for the display at the pilot's side in ft.
SYSTEMS DecisionHeightCopilot Decision height for the display at the co-pilot's side in ft.
SYSTEMS NdMode Mode the Navigation Display has when switched on.
1 HSI (default)
SYSTEMS HiNrEngaged 0 HiNr switch not engaged by default.
1 HiNr switch locked by default.
ROTORSYSTEM TipWeightMultiplyer Factor for a change in the kinetic energy of the rotor during autorotation. Do not change this!
ROTORSYSTEM TrimResetRate Changes the speed at which the trim is set back to neutral values, e.g. when the autopilot is switched off.
FUEL FuelWeightAtReload Weight of fuel set when the aircraft is loaded in kg.
PV_HORIZ Engaged Automatic line of sight control (horizontal): Engagement. Not available in PRO version. 
0 disengaged
1 engaged (default) 
PV_HORIZ RateMax Automatic line of sight control (horizontal): Turnrate. Default value: 35.00
PV_HORIZ Deflection Automatic line of sight control (horizontal): Deflection. Default value: 12.00
PV_HORIZ Curve Automatic line of sight control (horizontal): Responsiveness. Default value: 2.00
PV_VERT Engaged Automatic line of sight control (vertical): Engagement. Not available in PRO version. 
0 disengaged
1 engaged (default) 
PV_VERT RateMax Automatic line of sight control (vertical): Turnrate. Default value: 20.00
PV_VERT Deflection Automatic line of sight control (vertical): Deflection. Default value: 4.00
PV_VERT Curve Automatic line of sight control (vertical): Responsiveness. Default value: 2.00
PV_ROLL Engaged Automatic line of sight control (roll): Engagement. Not available in PRO version. 
0 disengaged
1 engaged (default) 
PV_ROLL RateMax Automatic line of sight control (roll): Turnrate. Default value: 30.00
PV_ROLL Deflection Automatic line of sight control (roll): Deflection. Default value: 5.00
PV_ROLL Curve Automatic line of sight control (roll): Responsiveness. Default value: 1.00
CREW Pilot Is the Pilot boarded after load? Default value: 1
CREW Copilot Is the Co-pilot boarded after load? Default value: 1
CREW Doctor Is Passenger 1 boarded after load? Default value: 1
CREW Passenger Is Passenger 2 boarded after load? Default value: 0
CREW Patient Is Passenger 3 boarded after load? Default value: 0
LANDINGLIGHT ControlSelectAdvisory When set to 1 an advisory CTRL SX15 is created, that comes on when direction control is set to Spectrolab/SX16 search light. Default value: 0
LANDINGLIGHT ExtendedLightAtOn Angle of the extendable landing light after switching on. Can be between 0.00 (full retracted) and 1.00 (full extended).
Default value: 0.85, in PRO Version 0.00
LANDINGLIGHT LandingLight1AtRunning 0 Fixed landing light is off after load with running engines (default).
1 Fixed landing light is on after load with running engines.
LANDINGLIGHT LandingLight2AtRunning 0 Extendable landing light is off after load with running engines (default).
1 Extendable landing light is on after load with running engines.
LANDINGLIGHT LandingLightSearchRunning 0 Search light is off after load with running engines (default).
1 Search landing light is on after load with running engines. 
LANDINGLIGHT SpectrolabPreselected When set to 1 direction control is switched from the Search and Landing Light to Spectrolab/SX16 search light automatically after loading a livery. Default value: 0
CARGOHOOK CableLenght Standard cable length for sling operations with cargo hook. Default value: 10.00
UDP MultiCastAddress Adress for multicast send and receive from master to slave. 
Default value:
UDP MultiCastPort Port for multicast send and receive from master to slave. 
Default value: 30001
UDP SendIntervalTime Time between sending the data packets in ms.
Default value: 0.033 (corresponds to 30 transmissions per second)
UDP TransmitCockpitData

0 Only data for the outside view are transmitted (e.g. rotor animation).
1 Data for displaying instruments on slaves are also transmitted.
Default value: 0


0 This computer works as a master and sends data.
1 This computer works as a slave and receives data. 
Default value: 1 

TWISTGRIP   Never touch these items! 

Example for a preferences file






Labeling Conventions

Menu points EC 135 V5, menu points with sub menu path: EC 135 V5 > General Operation

Buttons in 3D cockpit, joystick or keyborad buttons with custom commands or X-Plane commands: HDG

Rheostats: BARO


Warning lights: BAT DISC

Code snippets for example in ini files: FuelWeightAtReload

This is an info box.

This is a warn information box. 

Features marked with and/or are not available in the freeware version but only in the marked version.

Über uns

rotorsim ist eine private Initiative von Hubschrauber-Enthusiasten. Hier ist die Heimatbasis der EC 135 für X-Plane.  

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