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A couple of issues

  • andm31
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A couple of issues

10 Monate 3 Wochen her
Hello and firstly I must say that it is a truly amazing helicopter. 

I still fly in XP11 and I just bought the Plus version. I do seem to have a few issues though. 

First when flipping the FADECs to on the needle doesn't move. The did in the 5.0 version but I also used the 5.1 and there it didn't move and still not in version 5.22

The second issue is that trying to use the datafs for the fire warnings, hydr test and so on doesnt work on 5.22 They are there but nothing happens, either when I assign them to a keyboard button or using SPADNext and using my saitek panels. It did work in 5.1 but I haven't tried any other version. 

And again, it is an amazing helicopter and neither of the problems above makes me fly it less or love it less but it would be nice if it could work too :) 

take care
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Re: A couple of issues

10 Monate 3 Wochen her

Hello and firstly I must say that it is a truly amazing helicopter. 

First when flipping the FADECs to on the needle doesn't move. The did in the 5.0 version but I also used the 5.1 and there it didn't move and still not in version 5.22
The test run of the needle was removed with V5.10. In reality, it apparently only exists in an exotic software version that is hardly widespread.

The second issue is that trying to use the datafs for the fire warnings, hydr test and so on doesnt work on 5.22 They are there but nothing happens, either when I assign them to a keyboard button or using SPADNext and using my saitek panels. It did work in 5.1 but I haven't tried any other version. 
There are no datarefs intended for user interaction.
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Re: A couple of issues

10 Monate 3 Wochen her
Thank you for your response :)
Have a great weekend!
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